July 13, 2020 10:21 pm
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Skyscrapers are one of those inventions that can still give you pause no matter how many you’ve seen. They are wonders of architecture, engineering and construction, and their presence in so many of our greatest cities is a point of pride. In the past, they were a dangerous thing to build, but decades of advancements have made construction ever safer. However, they’re still not quite risk-free. Buildings are more complex than ever, as the infrastructure needed to make them hum becomes more and more complicated. When we talk about taller steel building safety risks in Indiana, we are really talking... View Article
June 29, 2020 10:21 pm
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If you’ve ever worked with concrete before, or plan on doing so, you might have heard of reinforced concrete. While the material is strong and stable on its own, it doesn’t hurt to have reinforcement that can further strengthen it and help maintain its structure for decades to come. Steel reinforcement in concrete in Indiana usually comes in the form of rebar, but the reasons steel may be preferred for this type of work are varied. Our team at Benchmark Fabricated Steel is pleased to offer more insight into why steel is the favorite material chosen when it comes to... View Article
June 1, 2020 10:42 pm
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Steel buildings are everywhere, but historically speaking, it’s a relatively new construction material. Many people are laboring under misconceptions about steel and how it functions in a building. In short, it’s an extremely durable building material that offers excellent benefits, making it very popular in modern construction. As always, the higher-quality steel you get, the longer your building will last. Here’s what you need to know about common myths about steel buildings in Indiana: Steel frames will rust: Building steel is often dipped in a protective coating, which safeguards the material against rust and corrosion. Most building steel comes with... View Article
May 18, 2020 10:42 pm
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Iron and steel are both frequently used in construction, although steel is the modern metal of choice. Some people think of them as interchangeable, but there are several key differences between the materials. If you’ve ever wondered what the difference is between iron and steel in Indiana, read on to learn what these metals are made of. Iron Iron has been used in construction for about 6,000 years, although it’s not as popular as it once was. Structures like the Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Liberty are constructed with iron, which is quite durable and attractive. Iron is a... View Article
April 29, 2020 4:59 pm
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The steel deck is a type of cold-formed corrugated metal sheet that is supported by steel beams or joists. Its purpose is to hold up concrete or the insulating membrane of a roof. This form of deck was designed to create a more structurally efficient solution in both roofing and flooring systems of varying types. The properties of steel as a material are taken advantage of in a steel deck in Indiana to create a system that has a remarkably high strength with a relatively low weight. This results in a construction process that has lower erection and material handling... View Article