Categories for Steel Construction

Can Steel Buildings Withstand Tornadoes?

March 15, 2021 8:05 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Indiana residents know that springtime means tornado season. While everyone needs to have a safety plan for a tornado touchdown, anyone building a structure should consider using tornado-proof materials. Choosing the wrong construction materials can lead to severe property damage, injuries or even death. When it comes to avoiding catastrophe, building with steel is your best bet. This post from your structural steel erection service providers in Indiana will cover why steel is such a great option: Wind: Whipping winds are likely the first thing most people think of when it comes to tornadoes, and for good reason—an F5 tornado... View Article

Why Steel Is the Best Choice for Industrial Construction

October 27, 2020 11:25 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

When you’re planning your next industrial project, you’ll undoubtedly begin your search by choosing the optimal construction material for your needs. If you haven’t explored the benefits of steel in new construction in Indiana, you’re missing out on an exceptionally durable, versatile construction material. Read on to find out more about what steel can do for your project. Avoid wear and tear One of the reasons that steel remains a popular choice for those in the industrial sector is its immense strength. Unlike other building materials, steel is immune to insects, rust, rot and fire. For those businesses who will... View Article

The First Winner of the Prize Bridge Award in the United States

September 30, 2020 11:01 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

In 1928, the Sixth Street Bridge that would eventually become known as the Roberto Clemente Bridge in Pittsburgh took home the Prize Bridge Award, making it the very first American bridge to do so. The panel that hands out the prize was awed by the bridge’s innovation in steel—it was among the very first self-anchoring suspension bridges that featured solid steel eye-bars both in the main suspension cables and the vertical support for the bridge deck. Today the bridge is more than 90 years old, and it is one of the defining features of the Pittsburgh landscape. History of the... View Article

How the American Institute of Steel Construction Partnership with RePicture Helps Students

September 16, 2020 11:00 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Over the summer of 2020, the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) partnered with RePicture, a virtual community in which students learn about STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) careers and real-world products while researching topics related to structural steel in the worlds of construction, architecture and engineering. The program ran from June 9 to August 10, and all students who participated were provided the opportunity to demonstrate what they learned and potentially win awards in certain categories. This was a very unique opportunity for students to get some practical knowledge and experience in the use of structural steel in... View Article

What You Should Know About the Safety Risks Associated with Taller Steel Buildings

July 13, 2020 10:21 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Skyscrapers are one of those inventions that can still give you pause no matter how many you’ve seen. They are wonders of architecture, engineering and construction, and their presence in so many of our greatest cities is a point of pride. In the past, they were a dangerous thing to build, but decades of advancements have made construction ever safer. However, they’re still not quite risk-free. Buildings are more complex than ever, as the infrastructure needed to make them hum becomes more and more complicated. When we talk about taller steel building safety risks in Indiana, we are really talking... View Article