How to Choose the Right Steel Fabricators in Indiana for Your Next Project

September 22, 2017 12:03 am Published by Leave your thoughts

For big projects that need to get done quickly and hold up for years, steel is the obvious option. If your company or institution is in the market for structural steel, or for steel-structure fabrication, you already know that there are a lot of options out there, and finding the right company can be tricky.

With that in mind, we’ve put together a simple guide with some things you should look for in any steel fabricators in Indiana that you’re thinking of working with.


Nothing trumps experience. Make sure the company you’re working with has been around for a while––new companies are far more likely to disappear on you, or go over budget. Companies that have been around for a while have proven their worth, and are inherently more trustworthy. You also want to make sure that all of their individual employees also have experience. You don’t want to be fooled by a company that’s been around for a long time, but is stocked with novice employees.

Additionally, you want to see if they have experience with your particular industry. Any experience they have with projects such as yours can save you headaches in the future by making it easier to communicate, and therefore set realistic expectations, and get what you want done on your schedule.

Certification and insurance

This is closely related to experience. If a steel fabrication company isn’t certified and isn’t fully insured, this is a pretty telling sign that they’re cutting corners somewhere. If you use a company like this for fabrication, you could easily end up legally on the hook for their mistakes. You very well might save money going with a company like this, but it’s not worth the risk you take.

Satisfied customers, good portfolio

In this technological age, if you’re not reading reviews on Yelp, Angie’s List and the BBB website before you work with a company––making sure they make a habit of satisfying their customers, and standing behind their work––you’re leaving too much up to chance! This is just a necessity.

Good communication

If you work with a company that’s too small, odds are they’ll understand your project, but won’t have done anything just like it before. If you work with a company that’s too large, you can be sure that you’ll get the job done on time and on budget, but you might not have a lot of access or ability to ask questions and get clarification. You’re much better off finding a company that fits your needs, who is big enough to get the job done on time and on budget, but who also can devote time to your project alone, answering any questions you have and looping you in at every important step of the project.

Call our steel fabricators in Indiana

Obviously, when it comes down to it, the biggest factor in your choice of steel fabricators in Indiana will be price—but we strongly suggest you build your list of potential steel companies by first considering the above factors, and then, once you’ve built a list of three to five potential companies, narrow down your choice based on price. If you only consider price, there’s a good chance you’ll end up with a cut-rate company who won’t stand behind their work like we do.

We’ve been in the industry since 1971, have decades and decades of experience collectively on staff, are fully certified and insured and have experience working on projects big and small with commercial, industrial and institutional partners. Give us a call at Benchmark Fabricated Steel and see what we can do for your company.

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