The Advantages of Structural Steel Construction vs. Other Options

October 27, 2021 3:36 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Structural steel is used as a primary building material in a wide range of projects, from small residential buildings to massive urban skyscrapers. There are a variety of reasons for using structural steel over other types of materials, such as wood and concrete.

Here’s a quick look at some of the main advantages of steel construction and why you should consider using structural steel in your next project.

Cost effective

Over the last couple years, costs of building materials have soared to new heights, primarily due to supply issues caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. As such, it’s more important than ever to find more cost-effective methods of construction.

There are a variety of regulatory policies and modes of standardization that have made structural steel easy to set up and highly dependable. This results in saved time and money and a larger return on investment for the project. With short construction there is also less disruption to a surrounding neighborhood, meaning less money spent on keeping the public happy.


One of the biggest advantages of steel construction with regard to its physical characteristics is its durability. Structural steel provides outstanding strength, and it does not age or deteriorate nearly as quickly as many other construction materials.

Its higher strength-to-weight ratio and its tensile strength allow for lighter buildings, which means you can use a less expensive, less substantial foundation.

Versatility in construction

Structural steel has a number of properties (strength, toughness, ductility, stiffness) that provide excellent versatility for the number of shapes into which it can be fabricated. The distribution of the compression and tension stress along steel beams in construction gives architects much more freedom with how they design a space and the types of last-minute alterations they need to make.

Where concrete must be cured before construction can start again, steel structures are developed by welding or bolting the pieces together when they arrive on site.


In accordance with the International Building Code, steel is fully coated in fire-resistant materials to prevent its strength from being compromised if a fire should occur. Water-resistant coatings are also typically applied to prevent the steel from corroding if exposed to moisture. And because structural steel doesn’t have a high porosity, there is unlikely to be mold and mildew growth on it, which makes it ideal for residential uses and helps to ensure long-term structural integrity.

Because structural steel can be fabricated off site and assembled quickly, it becomes much safer to manage at the construction site.

Finally, the high level of recyclability of steel makes it safe for the environment, reducing the potential environmental impact of construction.

These are the primary reasons that give structural steel an edge over other types of construction. To learn more about the advantages of steel construction, contact our team at Benchmark Fabricated Steel with any questions you have about the services we offer. We are happy to provide you with further information about steel design. Reach out to us today to arrange a consultation.

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