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How to Winterize Your Steel Building

November 15, 2018 5:50 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

As the forecast brings more winter weather our way here in Indiana, it’s important for business owners to consider all of the aspects of building maintenance that are necessary during the colder months. If you own or manage buildings made using steel construction in Indiana, you should make sure you winterize your building to prevent damage. By investing some time and energy into winterization at the beginning of the season, you can save a lot of money and hassle on repairs and maintenance throughout the rest of the year. Why winterization is so important Steel buildings are designed to last... View Article

Six Reasons to Consider a Metal Building for Your Theater

November 6, 2018 10:17 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Whether you are building a community theater, a school auditorium or a church venue, when the time comes to invest in a new theater, performance hall or gathering space, you want to make sure you are making the best choices. After all, this is going to be a space that your entire community will hopefully use for years to come—and you deserve to have a great venue. A metal building probably is not the first option to come to mind when you think of a theater space, but once you consider the benefits, you will see that it is a... View Article

How Do Metal Buildings Stay Affordable? Here Are Six Ways

October 23, 2018 10:17 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Are you thinking of investing in a metal building? If so, you probably know that one big advantage to buying a metal structure is that it is so affordable. As a leading steel construction company in Indiana, we often get questions from our customers asking how we can afford to keep our costs so low! The answer does not just hinge on one thing—in fact, there is a whole host of reasons why we are able to keep our metal buildings so relatively inexpensive, and why you will continue to save money after purchasing one. Here are six of those... View Article

What Makes Steel Trusses So Tough?

October 5, 2018 5:48 am Published by Leave your thoughts

When you look at large commercial buildings, high-rise towers or huge office buildings, you might think about how incredible it is that we are capable of constructing something that’s so big, yet so sturdy. The reason why people have been able to create these large structures is because we have developed tools, techniques, materials and strategies that promote the structural integrity of our buildings. Metal trusses made with fabricated steel in Indiana are incredibly durable and long lasting, and they continue to be an essential component of all kinds of new developments. The origins of steel trusses The truss design... View Article

How Steel Roof Trusses Are Built

September 21, 2018 5:48 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Over the last couple of centuries, the developments in structural engineering and building technology have completely revolutionized construction and made it possible for us to achieve what was previously impossible. Trusses have been used for architecture for centuries, but the modern steel roof truss is a relatively new development, and an important one. Steel trusses for roofing offer a number of important benefits over timber, including a lightweight design, durability, eco-friendliness and longevity. Read on to find out more about roof trusses made from fabricated steel in Indiana and how they are developed and assembled: Creating a plan: Before anything... View Article