Categories for Steel Construction

Tips for Corrosion Prevention in Structural Steel

June 10, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Are you wondering how to prevent corrosion of structural steel? Preventing corrosion plays a role in the integrity and aesthetics of the structure overall. As an asset owner, you must be able to count on the infrastructure for the future, whether the structural steel supports a commercial building, plant, or bridge. Corrosion is a huge risk to that infrastructure. Preventing Corrosion in Structural Steel Corrosion prevention can be made simple with a few tips and tricks. However, you must first know the role the service environment plays in corrosion protection before you can understand the various methods that will ensure... View Article

What Are the Types of Steel Beam Connections?

November 29, 2021 6:01 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Steel beam connections may be necessary for pillars, slanted joints and segment networks. There are a wide range of connections which are classified into two groups: framed and sealed connections. For framed connections, the beam is linked to a supporting steel part via fittings. For sealed connections, the beam is positioned on the seat, similar to how it would be with a masonry wall. Read on to find out more about steel column and beam connections. Welded framed steel beam connections Welded frame connections will vary in their capacity depending on their size. The connection weld is subject to stress... View Article

The Advantages of Structural Steel Construction vs. Other Options

October 27, 2021 3:36 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Structural steel is used as a primary building material in a wide range of projects, from small residential buildings to massive urban skyscrapers. There are a variety of reasons for using structural steel over other types of materials, such as wood and concrete. Here’s a quick look at some of the main advantages of steel construction and why you should consider using structural steel in your next project. Cost effective Over the last couple years, costs of building materials have soared to new heights, primarily due to supply issues caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. As such, it’s more important than... View Article

Precast Construction Benefits

September 28, 2021 2:02 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Precast steel, precast concrete and girder slab systems are the future of construction. While a lot of concrete is still being poured on-site, using precast concrete in construction is steadily growing more popular. Like the name suggests, precast concrete consists of pre-formed molds or pieces of concrete that can be fitted into place on site when crafting structures. There are numerous benefits to using girder slab systems, precast concrete and precast steel in precast construction. This article will dive into why you should consider precast construction for your next development project. Cost effective Precast concrete offers superior durability to cast-in-place... View Article

Steel vs. Concrete Construction

September 14, 2021 2:02 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Steel and concrete are two of the most prominent construction materials out there. They both have their own strengths and weaknesses, and they’re both crucial to the infrastructure of America and the world as a whole. But whether you’re performing steel frame construction or concrete construction, it would be helpful to know and understand the pros and cons of each material. This article will examine the characteristics of steel and masonry construction materials, including several important factors and how they stack up against each other. Costs Concrete: The cost of concrete doesn’t fluctuate very much, meaning you’ll likely know what... View Article