Categories for Steel Construction

Should You Always Choose the Lowest Bid for Structural Steel Construction in Indiana?

October 6, 2017 12:04 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Anyone with any type of experience in the real world knows that sometimes the expression “you get what you pay for” is true––and sometimes it is excruciatingly true. With any purchase, obviously price is going to be one of your biggest factors, if not the biggest, in your final decision—however, what you should be after is not the best price but, instead, the best value! That is to say, which option for structural steel construction in Indiana offers you the optimum combination of both quality of product and cost of product? In short, you don’t want to save a bunch... View Article

An Expert in Steel Construction in Indiana Explains the Girder-Slab System

August 22, 2017 8:56 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The Girder-Slab system is a type of structural system that utilizes a combination of pre-cast concrete and structural-grade steel to build the framework for mid- to high-rise residential buildings. The system allows construction companies to complete a project in a manner that is far less time-consuming and far more efficient than traditional structural construction methods. Find out more about the Girder-Slab system and take advantage of this impressive method of structural construction for residential buildings from a company specializing in steel construction in Indiana. How the Girder-Slab system works The core of a Girder-Slab system is a large steel beam... View Article

Structural Steel or Concrete: Which Is Better?

July 24, 2017 6:56 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The construction industry accounts for half of all resources used worldwide, which calls for building designers to use caution in the choice of material. Cost, safety, efficiency and environmental considerations are all topics that need to be considered when deciding on a building material. There are two main construction materials to choose from: steel and concrete. Both materials present a variety of pros and cons, so how do you know which one is better? Let’s take a closer look at both concrete and steel construction in Indiana, and then we’ll let you decide. Cost Concrete: Over the years, the cost... View Article

Four Reasons to Use Structural Steel in Construction

July 10, 2017 8:12 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

When you think of structural steel, you probably envision tall skyscrapers towering over large, busy cities or huge metal factories complete with billowing smoke stacks rising above them. The truth is, structural steel materials are a great option to use in all types of buildings, whether you only install steel roofing or utilize steel for erecting an entire building frame. So, if you are planning to build a commercial, business or corporate structure soon, toss steel into the mix of prospective building materials. Commercial steel structure construction in Indiana is a big investment, and a building project that won’t be... View Article

How to Prepare for Your Next Steel Construction Project

June 26, 2017 8:12 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Most people who want a custom designed commercial, business or corporate structure built do not possess the skills or knowledge needed to do it themselves. Luckily, there are professionals out there whose jobs are dedicated to helping you prepare for a big steel building construction project from start to finish. Your main job is to do your homework to protect yourself against contractors who’ll use shortcuts and poor quality materials, as well as to ensure you make it through with as little stress as possible. Here’s a closer look at how you can prepare for steel construction in Indiana: Know... View Article