Categories for Structural Steel

When It Comes to Structural Steel in Indiana, Cheaper Isn’t Always Better

October 8, 2019 5:04 am Published by Leave your thoughts

When you’re in the midst of a construction or development project, one of your biggest priorities is to stay within your budget. With all of the materials, labor and services you need to pay for during the course of your project, it can be easy for costs to get out of control if you aren’t careful. However, you shouldn’t simply choose the cheapest options for materials like structural steel in Indiana. It’s important to keep in mind that cheaper is not always better when you’re choosing structural steel for your project. Cost vs. value One of the most important things... View Article

Your Guide to Purchasing New Stainless Steel Tanks

August 5, 2019 10:42 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

How can you know if you are purchasing the right stainless steel tanks? As you consider steel construction in Indiana, what should you prioritize? Since steel structure construction can vary greatly in quality and cost, it’s important to know what to consider. Use the following guide to purchase new stainless steel tanks. By asking yourself the following questions, you’ll narrow your choices and choose the best steel construction in Indiana for your needs. What regulations must I adhere to? Consider what policies or laws are in place for your industry and location. Do these regulations limit your choices? You may... View Article

Benefits of Structural Steel Construction in Indiana

January 19, 2018 9:48 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Architects and engineers have many options available when they select materials to construct their creations. From sturdy timber to manufactured metal, they can choose from a variety of materials. However, steel construction in Indiana is often the top choice. Why? This strong material offers several advantages for construction. Due to these benefits, it is frequently chosen for building projects ranging from small homes to dominating skyscrapers. Following are the top qualities that make steel construction in Indiana so popular. Consider these benefits the next time you plan a construction project: Safe: Steel is non-combustible. If a fire starts in a... View Article

Should You Always Choose the Lowest Bid for Structural Steel Construction in Indiana?

October 6, 2017 12:04 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Anyone with any type of experience in the real world knows that sometimes the expression “you get what you pay for” is true––and sometimes it is excruciatingly true. With any purchase, obviously price is going to be one of your biggest factors, if not the biggest, in your final decision—however, what you should be after is not the best price but, instead, the best value! That is to say, which option for structural steel construction in Indiana offers you the optimum combination of both quality of product and cost of product? In short, you don’t want to save a bunch... View Article

What Should You Consider When Hiring Steel Fabricators in Indiana?

April 22, 2017 2:19 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Are you beginning the research process to identify the best steel fabricators in Indiana for your needs? Whether you’re working on a commercial or manufacturing project or require steel fabrication for a dormitory, hotel or motel or other multi-level establishment, you want to work with a company that provides exceptional service and doesn’t cut corners. Here are some factors to consider when selecting the steel fabricator that is the best fit for your project and requirements. What type of experience does the company have? Make sure you know how many years any steel fabrication company you are considering has been... View Article